Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Importance of Setting in Please Stop Laughing at Me :: essays research papers

Please Stop Laughing at Me, an autobiography by Jodee Blanco, is one womans inspirational story about the fight against bullying. This real-life count is proof of the disturbing results of what happens at school. Jodee Blanco holds nothing back when she describes the horrifying events that occurred to her at several different schools. In the beginning of the book, as the reader, we find ourselves inside Jodees head as she is debating whether she should actually walk in and attend her postgraduate school reunion or not. Jodee dazzles us with all she has accomplished in life, and convinces us that she has nothing to fear. But, in all actuality, she is still nervous when it comes to facing her former classmates. This beginning scene plays a major role in the books central plot, and allows us to foreshadow some of the upcoming events. Next, we are placed in Jodees stable home as she is getting ready for her first day of high school. We see how truly desperate Jodee really is as she de scribes how her new shoes should make her popular. Throughout the story we see that Jodee is not poor, stupid, cubby, or socially awkward. She is plainly prude, and is hated by the classmates of every school she attended in the attempt to become accepted. This explains how loving parents can be so wrong, schools cannot prevent disaster, and children in universal can be just plain mean. Jodee goes back and forth through her entire school life explaining all her horrible sires. We follow her through therapy, and fascinate as she is misunderstood by all adults. She explicitly depicts her suffering as she relives the torture. Shedding a shell, she lets us have full access of the shunning, teasing, and shocking strong-arm abuse inflicted upon her by her classmates. This sets the atmosphere and attitude of the book, so we may accurately see what happens when no one is watching. This book is timeless, bullying is ongoing. The setting of the 1970s and 80s makes the experience for the reader really see how timeless this book is.

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